At the Coimbra Sustainability Summit growth opportunities will be explored at the intersection of four areas of digitalization that are considered fundamental for growth: Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Internet of Things and Cybersecurity (4 KETs), trying to demonstrate how combining elements of these technologies can tackle the needs of the four application domains.

Read more: CSS Press release

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Knowledge Transfer Experiments (KTEs) are short-term (3 months) internship projects between two different entities from two different Countries: one Academic/Industrial partner who acts as Sending Organization and one Academic/Industrial partner who acts as Host Organization.


The DIHNET.EU Community joins the fight against COVID-19, calling for Digital Innovation Hubs’ help

The DIHNET.EU Community, supporting Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) networks across Europe, has launched a Space together with the European Commission to call for DIHs’ help in the fight against COVID-19 in order to brainstorm ideas and make them become concrete actions.
