The DIHNET.EU Community joins the fight against COVID-19, calling for Digital Innovation Hubs’ help
The DIHNET.EU Community, supporting Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) networks across Europe, has launched a Space together with the European Commission to call for DIHs’ help in the fight against COVID-19 in order to brainstorm ideas and make them become concrete actions.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic has created an unprecedented health, social and economic crisis all over the world, the DIHNET.EU Community has opened a Space after the online brainstorming bearing the same name attended by around 200 participants, ‘How can DIHs help in times of COVID-19?’, for DIHs to collaborate in the containment of Coronavirus.
Learn more about how to join the DIHNET.EU Community in this short tutorial; create your profile to become a member; explore the community spaces; enjoy exclusive content, and interact in a peer-to-peer way. Also, don’t forget to do your bit joining the ‘How can DIHs help in times of COVID-19? Space’. More specifically, on this post, you will find the conclusions of the brainstorming and instructions on how you can contribute!