Webinar on “Mentoring and funding opportunities for developing DIHs”


Join SAE aligned Innovation Action BOWI for a webinar on “Mentoring and funding opportunities for developing DIHs” on 19th January at 15:00 – 16:30 (CET) on Zoom. Criteria and conditions for the Open Call for developing DIHs, collaboration roadmap and the goal we want to achieve all together are covered. You will be able to ask your question during the Q+A session at the 2nd part of webinar. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/digital-innovation-hub-opportunities-within-bowi-project-tickets-135854194553


About the BOWI Open Call for DIHs

The EU Horizon 2020 BOWI project is launching an Open Call for developing digital innovation hubs (DIHs) to join the BOWI network, take part in cross-border technology and service transfer programme and receive up to € 100 000 of funding per beneficiary.

Nine applicants will be selected to take part in a two-stage BOWI support programme of experience exchange and technology application. Participation in the programme will aid the chosen DIHs to become stronger players in their regional scene, and receive up to € 100 000 of funding per beneficiary. During the BOWI support programme selected hubs will be able to refine their technology offering and strengthen their role in own regional ecosystem by applying the knowledge shared by the more experienced – mature – DIHs.

BOWI’s mature DIHs – TNO Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (Netherlands), VTT Technical Research Centre (Finland) and RWTH Aachen University (Germany) – have long-term experience in tackling the most challenging projects and a wide network of partners that newly selected DIHs will be able to benefit from.

BOWI will provide:

  • Funding
  • Mentoring programme
  • Access to a network of international experts
  • Access to facilities and infrastructure
  • Media Exposure.


The deadline for applications is 1st of March 2021, 13:00 CET.

For full list of eligibility conditions, criteria, and support actions, please visit application page or BOWI project’s website www.bowi-network.eu.