Join the workshop organized by the European Commission with the support of DIHNET on 13 April (10:00-12:00 CEST) which will discuss all the various forms of collaboration among EDIHs , clarifying when to use them, and explain the collaboration activities mentioned in the text of the proposals.
The speakers – Sandro D’Elia, Anne-Marie Sassen, and Maurits Butter – will discuss how collaboration activities could look like and how to include them in your proposal. Following, we will hear from practical examples of initiated collaborations. Find out more about the event and the agenda here or here. You can join the workshop via this link (no registration required):https://ecconf.webex.com/ecconf/j.php?MTID=m2044c96f97150b22bfffeb9a3e439079 Join by meeting number: (access code): 181 915 8425 password: Z2jk3khmN*3 (92553546 from phones) |
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Do you want to know more about the cycle of thematic online workshops for EDIHs organized by the European Commission? Keep an eye on this page with an overview of past and upcoming workshops. |