Join us for this inspiring event on May 18th!

Join us for the French-German Partnering Event for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Industry 4.0 on 18 May 2021.

The event is organised within the project “Deutsch-Französische Vernetzung zu Industrie 4.0 und angewandter Künstlicher Intelligenz” and supported by the Ministry of Economics of Baden-Wurtemberg (Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Wohnungsbau Baden-Württemberg). It will provide information on a range of French-German cooperation and funding opportunities for innovative projects in both countries. It also aims to enable networking between French and German companies and other stakeholders during specific matchmaking sessions.

Look forward to a variety of inspiring plenaries, engaging information sessions and networking opportunities.

Meet representatives from Start-ups, SMEs, R&D institutions, investors and economical intermediaries from Germany and France, get to know about the needs and challenges of AI in Industry 4.0, funding opportunities and mechanisms and use the Marketplace to share your offers and requests.
The French-German Partnering Event for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Industry 4.0 will be an online event using the platform b2match.