SMART4ALL Webinar on Competitive Proposal Preparation for the 2nd KTE Open Call

Event information

Start date: May 13, 2021 - 12:00
End date: May 13, 2021 - 13:00
Event place: online
Event type: Webinar

Further Information


SMART4ALL Webinar on Competitive Proposal Preparation for the 2nd KTE Open Call

SMART4ALL consortium is inviting all interested parties to register for the webinar dedicated to helping applicants to increase the quality and competitiveness of their proposals within the ongoing Open Call for Knowledge Transfer Experiments (KTE).

The webinar will cover the following topics:

  • SMART4ALL network of Digital Innovation Hubs
  • 2nd Knowledge Transfer Experiment Open Call Overview
  • Guidelines on competitive proposal preparation for SMART4ALL Open Calls
  • Insights by completed 1st KTE Open Call projects on proposal preparation and project execution

You can register for the webinar using the following link:

THERE IS NO REGISTRATION FEE FOR THE WEBINAR. Upon submission of this form you will receive the invitation link and the password to the webinar. The webinar registration will be open until May 12th, 2021 at 12:00 (noon) CEST.

DISCLAIMER: The capacity of the webinar is 500 participants and we accept the participants on the first come, first served basis. In case all seats are reserved prior to the registration deadline, we may opt to close the registration earlier.

Programme of the webinar

1) 12:00 – 12:10 SMART4ALL network of Digital Innovation Hubs: Overview and Service (presented by the University of Peloponnese)
2) 12:10 – 12:35 Overview of 2nd Knowledge Transfer Experiment Open Call (presented by the FundingBox Accelerator)
3) 12:35 – 12:50 Guidelines on competitive proposal preparation for 2nd SMART4ALL Open Call (presented by the University of Peloponnese)
4) 12:50 – 13:10 Insights by completed 1st KTE Open Call projects on proposal preparation and project execution (presented by the KTE projects)
5) 13:10 – 13:30 Q&A session