Save-the-date for our next ecosystem Building Event in the region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France!

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  9:00 Opening of the event

Y. Neuder, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Vice-President for Higher Education, Research, Innovation, Digital and European Funds

  9:20 The role of the European Digital Innovation Hubs in the Digital Decade

AM Sassen, EC DG Connect

During this presentation, an overview will be given of recent digital policies of the European Commission, and how the network of European Digital Innovation Hubs will support these policies. Furthermore, updates regarding the call for European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs) will be provided, and how the Smart Anything Everywhere initiative can serve as a preparation for the work of the EDIHs

  9:40 The future of the EU DIH ecosystem

M. Butter, DIHNET

As the DIHNET project is coming to an end, Maurits Butter will present a view on how the EU DIH ecosystem could further evolve, based on the lessons learned of the project. It will focus on how the different stakeholders can see their roles, responsibilities and way they can organize the collaboration to increase the strength of the ecosystem.

  10:00 Minasmart unique value proposition

PD Berger, Director MinaSmart- eDIH Europe Candidate

Session dedicated to the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes EDIH candidate supporting the digital transformation of companies through a multiple partnership with the main actors of the region, as clusters, RTO and public authorities.

  10:15 Coffee Break
DIHs’ services, panel discussions 10:20 A new European transregional open innovation pathway, the Generic experimentation

Isabelle Chartier (CEA, IRT Nano Elec), Bastien Hualpa (Minalogic), Florian Chenier & Loic Duviquet(tbc) (CHARVET), Witekio (tbc), Marcello Coppola(tbc) (ST Microelectronics)

10:45 The Digital challenge innovation pathway highlighting attractive markets.

Ana Gheorghe (Digital Catapult), Vincent Bouillet (GE HYDRO),  Charles Garnier (CATIE), Aguila (tbc), EDF HYDRO (tbc)

This open innovation mechanism enables digital technology SMEs to solve industry challenges set by corporate businesses. During this panel, the digital challenge owner will share its perspective and the winning companies, their experience and achievement.

11:10 Innovation and Networks

Silicon Europe Alliance: Minalogic, Dieter Therseen (DSP Valley)

Showcasing major cluster partnership to the benefit of SMEs thought international initiatives at the European level. One of the most appealing case concerns the Silicon Europe Alliance founded in 2015 and gathering 11 clusters representing 2.000 members and more than 400,000 jobs.

11:35 DIH sustainability model and digital experimentation

Dieter Therseen (DSP Valley),  Jérôme Gavillet (CEA), Patrick Chan (e-Whiz), Pauline Martin (Lim group), Yohann Bohard (BLUMORPHO)

SmartEEs DIH sustainability model & SMEs’ testimony on digital experimentation

12:00 Market place

Rudolf Frycek, AMIRES

12:15 Digital transformation for traditional SMEs

François Régis Nepote (Techtera cluster), Minalogic

Testimony of sectorial partner within the textile domain.

How to reach non-digital companies and cross-pollination to enable new products, services or production line.

12:40 Conclusion

M. Reimann, Steinbeis 2i