Transforming SAE results into benefits for the (European) Digital Innovation Hubs Ecosystem  

Event information

Start date: December 2, 2021 - 09:30
End date: December 2, 2021 - 14:00
Event place: online
Event type: Presentation


Agenda (09:30am – 2:00pm Brussels Time):

  • The SAE Journey: Empowering SMEs in the digital Age (Meike Reimann & Rainer Günzler, coordinator of the CSAs Smart4Europe 1+2)

  • Dive into the future: What’s next in terms of DIHs & EDIHs (Anne-Marie Sassen, European Comission)

  • Local heroes: EDIHs as connecting points for regions (pitches from EDIH candidates aligned to the S4E2 consortium)

  • Collaboration is key: Come and join in (Isabelle Dor, CEA/ Begona Sanchez, I4MS and Fredy Rios, S2i as panelists)

  • Twin Transition: How SMEs can benefit from future digital and green technologies (Haydn Thompson)

  • Tools and services 4U: The SAE Marketplace, Technology Radar and more (Marta Pinzone, Haydn Thompson, Géraldine Andrieux)

  • SAE showroom: Success Stories of European SMEs (Julia Koch, Isabelle Dor)

  • How to make investors fall in love with you (Géraldine Andrieux)

  • Horizon Europe and Digital Europe: What strategies, tools and services do we need going forward? (Meike Reimann, Rainer Günzler, Isabelle Dor, Haydn Tompson, Maria Roca, Laure Quintin)

  • Final Conclusions (Meike Reimann)


Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE) is the EU’s initiative, which empowers SMEs for the Digital Age and fosters the completion of the Digitising European Industry Strategy. Having featured fourteen Innovation Actions in four areas: i) cyber-physical and embedded systems (including smart systems integration), customised low energy computing; ii) powering cyber-physical systems and the Internet of Things and flexible, iii) wearable electronics, organic large area electronics as well as  iv) widening Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs). Innovation Actions featured by the Smart Anything Everywhere Initiative, all aim to improve the digitization journey of small and medium-sized companies, mid-caps and start-ups. During the past seven years, SAE has worked on supporting these projects on their journey and it is now time to take stock and present to you our results.

This event is made for you if you are a DIH, SME or any other kind of SAE stakeholder, interested in the developments of the current DIH/EDIH ecosystem and will show you how you can benefit from SAE results. We will provide you with details on the European Commission’s strategy and differences between Digital Innovation Hubs and European Digital Innovation Hubs, which shall help companies to bring innovation to their businesses or production processes using digital technologies.

Our insights on future digital and green technologies as well as the created Technology Radar will give you an overview on technologies and applications, that can help companies not only to innovate and increase their competitiveness but also contribute to a sustainable, human-centric and resilient European industry (Industry 5.0).

Further on, tools and services developed within SAE and how they can help members of the current DIH /EDIH ecosystem will be shown. We will point out why cross-regional collaboration between DIHs is key to be able to further evolve and optimize the service portfolio offered. We will show you success stories of our “local heroes”, companies that have benefited from the SAE offer in the past and talk to investors interested in digital applications developed within SAE featured innovation actions.

Finally we will focus on the policy related learnings generated through SAE and conclude with recommendations for the future DIH/EDIH strategy, tools & services in Horizon Europe and the Digital Europe Programme.

Join us on December 2nd and share with us your view on the (E)DIH Ecosystems and its prospects!