SureWash Hand Hygiene guidance and measurement system over the sink


According to the European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC), almost 9 million infections occur each year in European hospitals and long-term care facilities Hospital Acquired Infections kills 100,000 US Hospital Patients each year and cost $45 B PA. The World Health Org (WHO) estimate that 50% of infections could be prevented with better hand hygiene using systems like SureWash™. Seven percent (7%) of all Hospital patients in developed countries acquire infections (HAI).

In response to the challenge, the WHO have developed a seven step handwashing protocol that mitigates the risk of bacteria remaining on washed hands. Glanta have developed a Augmented Reality system called surewash™ that trains Hospital & Nursing home staff on this WHO Protocol developing their muscle memory.


Glanta now wish to develop an Over The Sink hand wash monitoring system (Surewash OTS) that will provide real-time feedback to the users as they are washing their hands as to their compliance to the WHO handwashing protocol. The goal is to increase staff compliance thus reduce infections and avoiding the need for antibiotics, improve patient experience and shorten hospital stay, overall resulting in lives saved and significant cost avoidance.

FED4SAE Support

The goal of SureWash™ in partnership with Intel, CEA and IRT-Nanoelec is to develop an Over The Sink system that improves hand hygiene in healthcare and food preparation markets The SureWash™ OTS will gather real-time data on hand hygiene quality that can be used to manage the risk of cross contamination in hospitals and kitchens.
The SureWash OTS solution will leverage Intel’s MyriadX™ hardware which accelerates the execution of convolutional neural networks used in Artificial Intelligence based Computer Vision along with Intel Realsense™ depth sensing camera.

The final system will be evaluated in the IRT-Nanoelec testbed facility. Functional testing will include privacy and cybersecurity compliancy assessment as well as usage analysis and user acceptance with potential customers. As part of the FED4SAE suite of services, SureWash is receiving support in business modelling, market insights and design to cost from Blumorpho and CEA-Open Innovation team.


A working prototype was developed and deployed at Korian Nursing Homes in France and while the feedback was very positive, Korian identified the need to prioritise training and hand hygiene awareness to their staff and it is monitoring product development.

The final product is expected to go to market in 1H 2020. As this has the potential to be a life saving solution, that can deliver huge benefits in a completely new market, the potential is huge and Intel will use its global presence to assist Surewash in exploring market opportunities.

Have a look at the video & learn more