Autumn is the season of online events

Meet us online!

Just when we thought life would slowly go back to normal, another wave of the pandemic in Europe has arrived. Nevertheless, we are working even harder to support the Innovation Actions aligned to the Smart Anything Everywhere Initiative with several online events and activities to help them promote their Open Calls.
So, while we unfortunately can’t meet face-to-face in these months, why not try the virtual way and visit our online event booths, workshops, or webinars being hosted?

Here’s an overview of the events we will be attending in November 2020:

November 25-26: EFECS European Forum for Electronic Components and Systems
EFECS virtual booth and co-located workshop focusing on the SAE Technology Radar (Thursday Nov 26, 15:30 CET). EFECS is the international forum with a focus on ‘Our Digital Future’ along the Electronic Components and Systems value chain in Europe.

November 23: PRO-VE 2020
From 14:00 to 15:20 CET, SAE aligned IA SMART4ALL will talk about its Cross-border Experiments for Emerging Technology Development and Adoption in the Session B2 of the event, “Digital Innovation Hubs for Digitising European Industry”. The session will be focused on Developing Digital Capabilities for SMEs.

November 17: First DigiFed DIH-Network Event
Are you interested in discussing, refining and exploring the services provided by Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) to foster and support the development and consolidation of SMEs across Europe? This workshop will focus on exchanging experiences between different DIHs, particularly from the field Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). We will discuss the different challenges faced by DIHs, including the development of operationally and financially sustainable services to support SMEs, the reaching out to strategic stakeholders, and the interaction with local, national and European eco-systems. Moreover, we will develop a collaboration roadmap to outline and establish strategies to exploit potential synergies between the different participating DIHs.

November 12: World Manufacturing Forum – SAE Ecosystem Building Event
Within the framework of the 2020 edition of the World Manufacturing Forum, this SAE event will bring together European, national and regional initiatives aimed at boosting the digital transformation of manufacturing, in order to share available opportunities, good practices and success stories, and discuss about synergies to work together. During this webinar, the European Space Agency (ESA) will introduce Earth Observation data (e.g. Satellite Imagery) as well as related tools, resources and funding opportunities. Explore how the European Industry and Research can benefit from using Earth Observation data and discover ways of working with ESA.

For further information and registration to the individual events, pls click here!

We look forward to seeing you online soon.