Within the SAE initiative lies DigiFed dedicated to supporting EU industries to digitalize their product & services and reaching new markets enabled by Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) & Embedded Systems. During the last 28 months, the DigiFed Innovation Action has relied on its DIH-network and ecosystem to support SMEs in the development of innovative solutions in the field of CPS.

The Introduction to Regional and European DIH Ecosystem Collaboration event is hosted by the DigiFed Project and will feature Baden-Württemberg’s regional DIH landscape, DIH practices and success stories, next to other European regional DIH networks and their experiences. This will be an online activity and will take place the 19th of May between 09.30 and 12.30 hours.

This event will be a learning experience for all those interested in how regional DIH ecosystems function, what services they offer and how collaboration between different European regions can best be established.

Participants will map and compare regional approaches to DIH support in an interactive session. Furthermore, value added is provided by experiences and advice from European level (DIHNET.EU project) on how to foster EU-national regional DIH collaboration.

Further information and registration