Event information
Information about this event
EFECS is the international forum with a focus on ‘Our Digital Future’ along the Electronic Components and Systems value chain in Europe. The organisers of this event, AENEAS, ARTEMIS-IA, EPoSS, ECSEL Joint Undertaking and the European Commission, in association with EUREKA, have joined forces to bring all stakeholders together. EFECS provides numerous opportunities to learn more about the latest developments, cooperation and funding possibilities in the ECS Community.
Smart Anything Everywhere Initiative was present at our virtual booth offering the visitors to chat with representatives of the Innovation Actions aligned about upcoming funding opportunities and how your SME can be supported!
November 25th
- 9:00 – 10:30: Learn more about the SAE Initiative
- 10:30 – 12:00: DigiFed & DIH4CPS: Innovation Actions in the technological area of CPS & Embedded Systems
- 12:00 – 13:30: HUBCAP: Innovation Actions in the technological area of CPS & Embedded Systems
- 13:30 – 15:00: SMART4ALL: Innovation Action in the technological area of Customized Low Energy Computing powering CPS and the IoT
- 15:00 – 16:30: BOWI: Innovation Action in the technological area of Widening Digital Innovation Hubs
November 26th
- 9:00 – 10:30: Learn more about SAE Success Stories
- 10:30 – 12:00: SAE sister initiative I4MS
- 12:00 – 13:30: SmartEES2: Innovation Action in the technological area of OLAE/ flexible & wearable electronics
In addition to the SAE booth, we hosted a co-located workshop on November 26 2020 from 15:30 – 17:00 hrs “Smart Anything Everywhere: New Technologies and Application Areas towards a sustainable Digital Transformation”
This co-located workshop focusing on the SAE Technology Radar will be an interactive session to gather new applications and technologies to add to the Smart4Europe online clickable Technology Radar web service. This has been developed to provide an easy to access reference for SMEs on new and upcoming SAE technologies.
Want to know more? Thank find here a short summary of the workshop!
The Workshop on the Technology Radar highlighted the on-line interactive radar which has been developed to support companies: http://www.thhinkbv.com/docs/New1Radar/index.html
This free resource has been developed to help companies, particularly SMEs and mid-caps, quickly see the technologies that could provide business opportunities over the next 10-20 years. The radar covers many technologies providing short technology descriptions, an assessment of maturity to answer the question “should my company be looking at this now?” and examples of applications in Smart Agriculture, Home Automation, Wearables, Intelligent Energy and Low Carbon Technologies, Ocean Monitoring, Food and Beverage, Art, Entertainment, Music and Literature.
A specific theme of the interactive workshop was “green and digital” technologies which are being promoted through Horizon Europe and the Green Deal. Many opportunities were identified such as sensor fusion for home energy automation, indoor green walls, monitoring smart freshness of food and beverages, sensors for plant monitoring, weed stamping approaches for smart agriculture as well as C02 sequestration. Technologies for health and well-being also featured with novel already available technologies for diet monitoring and Covid-19 desk top analysers being highlighted.
Enhanced human experience was also considered with remote taste and smell sensors and via linking pulse/heart rate monitoring to gaming consoles to dynamically change games. Some of the new interesting underlying technologies proposed were in applications of graphene, biodegradable electronics to reduce impact on the environment and biocompatible electronics that are absorbed by the body. Looking much further afield applications in removing space debris and the commercialisation of space through space mining were also highlighted.