Webinar: Learn more about the DigiFed offers

Event information

Start date: April 27, 2021 - 10:00
End date: April 27, 2021 - 11:00
Event place: online
Event type: Webinar

Further Information


DigiFed offers grants of up to € 50k as well as technical and business support for the development of smart applications in Europe. If you are:
  • Developing novel and innovative smart solutions worthy of market leaders
  • Bridging the physical and virtual worlds with advanced technologies and industrialized solutions.
  • Interested in using premium resources and competencies to speed up development.
  • Wishing to access a unique European ecosystem composed of leading industrial companies, world-class research organizations, innovation accelerators and private investors.

DiFed offers you:

  • Access to industrial platforms in the domain of cyber-physical and embedded systems (CPS).
  • Product support aimed at bringing your innovations to target markets.
  • Up to € 50k in funding per applicant SME – representing 70% of your project’s total declared budget. 
  • Access to high-level technical expertise pooled from research centres across Europe.
  • Innovation management support focusing on sustainable business development

to bring your innovation to market via DigiFed and the Smart Anything Everywhere ecosystem. – Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) services to identify technical partners, commercial opportunities in Europe and receive tailored support, webinars and boot camps through the DigiFed project. Register to this webinar series to know more ! https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/6523270960242060299