Industrial R&D: Europe First?

A Science|Business Public Webcast conference

Event information

Start date: September 8, 2020 - 11:30
End date: September 8, 2020 - 18:00
Event place: Online
Event type: Webcast

Further information & Registration


Information about event

The COVID crisis has highlighted how prone a highly-interdependent world economy is to disruptions. Production sites closing in one part of the world, coupled with interruptions to global trade, has immediate and deep impact on the availability of critical goods and services in regions thousands of miles away. The breadth and depth of the evolving crises quickly prompted a political debate about which actions should be taken to ensure greater resilience and better protection of national economies (or economic blocs).

As talk of technology sovereignty rises in Europe, the path of choice, it seems, is to encourage near-shoring of production and developing regional technology capabilities where these are lacking today. In the EU, part of this discussion concerns technology in the digital sector where US and Asian/Chinese technology providers dominate. Still, Europe cannot set global standards in technology policymaking on its own. How to keep science borders open, prioritise technology reliability and enhance regulatory cooperation with trustworthy international partners? this Science|Business virtual conference will bring together national ministers, EU officials, industry executives and researchers to measure the impact that these ‘Europe first’ policies may have on companies headquartered in Europe and multinationals with operations in Europe.

Throughout a series of online high-level public dialogues and sector-specific workshops sessions, the conference will produce transversal and sector-specific recommendations to be addressed live to key policy makers.