Webinar for DIHs/ EDIH Candidates

Event information

Start date: March 18, 2021 - 11:00
End date: March 18, 2021 - 12:30
Event place: online
Event type: Webinar

Further Information


Join the I4MS and DIHNET joint event on helping SMEs to select the appropriate tools and services for their digital transformation needs.

A wide range of European projects working on digital transformation has developed their own platforms or marketplaces, offering solutions for companies to improve their production processes, products or business models with advanced technologies. These tools and services are made available for SMEs to test either through other open calls or for purchasing them through the marketplaces. DIHs and EDIHs can play an important role here as facilitators, disseminators, and users of these solutions; helping SMEs to select the appropriate tools or services for their digital transformation needs.

The invited initiatives, all of the members of the I4MS Collaborative Committee, will present the offer and opportunities available for DIHs can candidate EDIHs by presenting new tools, services, training. and funding for SMEs currently available that they can use. Initiatives such as I4MS, DIHNET, SAE among others can support DIHs and EDIHs in playing a crucial role in identifying further companies in need of digital transformation, support new innovation-experiments, re-use existing marketplaces or encourage SMEs to connect with highly knowledgeable service providers, and thus accelerate the take-up of existing solutions.

I4MS Collaborative Committee

The function of this committee is to provide insights on the role and challenges of the CSAs and similar big initiatives working on digital transformation, share best practices, tools, documents, and strategies that can contribute to improving CSAs support. The Committee will be a forum to comment on topics of common interest for the Innovation Actions and look for synergies among the different projects.


I4MS: Mayte Carracedo and María Roca

DIHNET: Maurits Butter

Smart Anything Everywhere: Meike Reinmann

Connected Factories: Riikka Virkkunen

PhotonHub Europe: Hugo Thienpont and Nathalie Debaes

EUhubs4Data: Daniel Saez

RODIN: Reinhard Lafrenz

STARTS: Aurelie Delater

Event agenda

11:00-11:10 Welcome- Mayte Carracedo, I4MS4Ts, Introducing the Collaborative Committee and the session

11:10- 12:00 Presentation-pitches of all initiatives. Focusing on the offer and opportunities for DIHs and candidate EDIHs

o Smart Anything Everywhere-Meike Reinmann.

o Connected Factories- Riikka Virkkunen.

o PhotonHub Europe-Hugo Thienpont and Nathalie Debaes.

o EUhubs4Data- Daniel Saez.

o RODIN- Reinhard Lafrenz.

o STARTS-Aurelie Delater

o DIHNET- Maurtis Butter

o I4MS (ICT 4 Manufacturing SMEs) – María Roca

12:00-12:15 Interview to the initiatives based on a previous poll to the audience

12:15 -12:25 Questions and Answers

12:25-12:30 Conclusions


As an SME or a mid-cap you can apply for technological and financial support to experiment with different technologies and services that might help you in digitising your business. Join the I4MS Community to learn more!