Workshop TISU: Transfer to Industry and Start-Ups

Event information

Start date: January 18, 2021 - 15:00
End date: January 18, 2021 - 18:00
Event place: online
Event type: Workshop

Further Information


TISU: Transfer to Industry and Start-Ups

Building dynamic economies that are based on the creative application of human knowledge is currently an aspiration all around the world. As part of this effort, Europe has been investing a lot of resources in different programs (e.g., ARTEMIS, ENIAC, Horizon 2020) to stimulate research and innovation.

This 9th edition of the TISU workshop aims at discussing means and ways to improve both the industry transfer as well as stimulating people to transform their knowledge in business ideas and start-ups.

We will begin with the keynote of Sandro D’Elia providing the point of view of the Commission on this topic and disclosing the new initiatives that will be launched in the framework of the forthcoming Horizon Europe program. Then 8 selected TETRAMAX experiments will have the opportunity to pitch their business proposition to Venture Capitalists and Angel Investors under the guidance of the international business expert Ray Garcia (Buoyant Capital, NY, USA).