European Network of competences and platforms for enabling SME

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Project information

Technical area: Cyber-physical and embedded systems
Duration: February 2015 – January 2018
Web portal:

About the project

EuroCPS is an European funded project gathering several design centers in order to boost and initiate synergies between innovative companies, major CPS-platforms and CPS-competency providers.

The motivation of the project is to enable companies making new CPS products to get access to leading edge technology platforms from large companies and support from competency partners. The outcome is to boost and sustain the demand for local manufacturing and catch the IoT market by improving the European competitiveness. The first goal is to bring innovative CPS to business from any sectors within the help of networking partners. The second goal is to link user and supplier across value-chains and region within the help of the competence partners (coaching, development plan definition, service providers). Support, management and monitoring are provided by the cascade funding partners coming from RTOs and technology transfer-oriented university institutes.

To reach these objectives, EuroCPS supports projects considering their excellence, their impact on the ecosystem and their industrialization implementation possibility and prospects through open calls. The three open calls are now closed yielding 34 granted proposals thus on-going projects (Innovator’s Project / Ongoing projects).

General figures

  • 34 granted proposals over 118 submissions
  • 82% of the proposals are cross-borders with partners from at least two different countries
  • The selected proposals include SME ans Start-ups from the consortium countries but also from Belgium and Spain that are outside of the consortium
  • The selected projects cover large variety of CPS domains