
Bringing Flexible Electronics Products to Life

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Project information

Technical area: Organic & Large Area Electronics, Flexible & Wearable electronics

Duration: September 2017 – August 2020
Web portal:

About the project

SMARTEES is the Digital Innovation Hub dedicated to Large Area Electronics (LAEs), an organized European innovation network that provides both access to competencies and business support for innovation adoption. SMARTEES will help the European Industry to create a competitive advantage in the global economy by providing access to disruptive (LAEs) technologies and innovation support in a pragmatic, operative and efficient Pan European manner.

A 1-Stop-Shop will promote a collaborative environment and provide wider access to the technology at same time as coordinating the bespoke services and efficiently and effectively linking them together. 20 Application Experiments will be conducted to explore the transfer of technologies into business, organization of cooperation, access to finance, services to be provided and act as showcases to raise awareness and activate potential users. The established eco-system will be harnessed by the consortium to propel the continuity of the initiative beyond SMARTEES.


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