Focused Technology Transfer Experiments (FTTEs) are novel short-term (9 months) experiments allowing for cross-border synergies that transfer knowledge and technology between academia and industry.

About Focused Technology Transfer Experiments (FTTEs)

Focused Technology Transfer Experiments (FTTEs) are novel short-term (9 months) experiments allowing for cross-border synergies that transfer knowledge and technology between academia and industry. FTTEs aim to accelerate product orient projects and offer guidance towards successful commercialization. Within this type of experiments, one party transfers to the receiving partner a specific HW or SW technology in order to enable improved product or processes. In FTTEs, two different entities from two different countries are involved: one Academic and one Industrial partner or two Industrial partners. The Industrial partner acts as the leading partner.

FTTE proposals focus on domains that are not adequately represented in current Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE) projects and include:

  • Digitized Transport
  • Digitized Environment
  • Digitized Agriculture
  • Digitized Anything

SMART4ALL will select 4 Pathfinder Application Experiments (PAEs) following a selective process in this 2nd Open Call.

Who can apply?

Consortia composed of two different entities from two different countries including one Academic/Industrial partner who acts as a Technology Provider and an Industrial partner acting as a Technology Receiver.

Consortia can include the following types of applicants:

  • Universities or Academic Institutions
  • SME and Slightly Bigger Companies
  • Technology Providers in general

The eligible countries are: EU Member States (including the United Kingdom), H2020 Associated countries and any other South-East Europe countries not listed above and included in Annex A of the H2020 Work Programme.

Consortia including at least one member of the following South-East Europe countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Serbia) will be prioritized and given 1 extra point to the overall score.

Proposals must be cross-border and can be submitted by any of the afore-mentioned type of entities, but the participation of, at least, one SMEs/Slightly Bigger Companies is compulsory and should be the leader of the consortium.

The applicants involved in the consortia can NOT include any SMART4ALL partners.


Matchmaking & Partner Service

For seeking organization partners and matchmaking service please visit:


What are the Benefits?

  • Get financial support of up to €80,000
  • Establish new collaboration
  • Get business, ethics, technology, fundingdevelopment help from international lead experts
  • Join novel coaching services

 How to Apply?

Guide for Applicants and FAQs are available at SMART4ALL Application Κit (

 The FTTE proposal submission deadline is September 15th, 2021 at 17:00 CEST.