Digital Platform for Shellfish Inshore Maintenance Based on Microelectronic Environmental Sensors and IoT Devices


The distribution of live seafood for human consumption requires tight quality control.
Water quality parameters of live seafood distributors are commonly kept at the same conditions, regardless of the number of animals per tank, which demand heavy operational costs without need. Also, the only thing that is measured is water temperature, and even then, seldomly.
From the moment of catch or harvest, seafood needs to be controlled and kept alive for delivery to the consumer. Mortality during maintenance and transport is high, greatly reducing the product’s value.

Diatomic Support

DIATOMIC did not only supported us financially, but also with experts in the field that guide us to a broader solution. The exchange with the other participants was also a huge help in growing our solution to a higher maturity degree.


AquaDig is a game-changer for live seafood distributors across Europe. It is a smart solution that implements a digital layer that monitors and optimizes equipment operations, provides food safety, as well as traceability reports resulting in reduced costs and lower mortality of the seafood.
By monitoring the key parameters of the installation, such as water temperature, water flow, oxygen, nitrates, pH levels, and the energy consumption of the separate equipment, we can better optimize the operational costs – the target is 20% less electricity.
For additional traceability during transport, AquaDig equips a transport van to monitor temperature and oxygen until delivery to the client and wirelessly synchronize with our platform. This further brings innovative predictive maintenance capabilities lowering the risk of malfunction that would otherwise endanger the seafood in the water tanks.
We aim to reduce by at least 10% mortality during maintenance and transportation.

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