Integration of wearable sensors and a real-time localization system for Industry4.0 applications


At OMTLAB a unique indoor positioning platform, the SUNSTONE RTLS was developped focusing on the manufacturing and logistics industry. Based on the feedback of their customers a huge market potential in wearable sensors combined with a high accuracy indoor positioning system is foreseen. Though personnel tracking is not welcome in general, in case of safety and security oriented applications it has a great potential. These use cases range from work in hazardous environments to disabled operators in logistics or manufacturing and human-machine cooperation.


In the frame of this proposed experiment OMTLAB intends to develop our RTLS-enabled wearable devices based on the WeSu platform. OMTLAB will incorporate the platform’s kinetic sensors to enhance tracking accuracy and to provide fall detection and will integrate customized environmental sensors (e.g. gas, temperature and radiation) to the WeSu platform so that safety wearable sensors in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry are provided.

FED4SAE Support

OMTLAB heard about FED4SAE from BME, the Hungarian advanced technology and networking partner and have been consulting with them during the preparation of the proposal.


Human tracking will be used only for safety and security applications, for example in case of collision avoidance, panic signaling, work in hazardous environment or the support of disabled operators.
Target customers are factories, warehouses and logistics centers carrying a wide range of applications under one roof from small automated trolley carts to heavy duty forklifts. Their business model focuses on resource and time efficient and reliable manufacturing and warehousing processes. These companies can benefit from:

  • Production efficiency: precise and reliable position tracking of personnel and machines is the basis of collision avoidance that enhance human-machine cooperation on the shop floor and in warehouses
  • Safety issues:
    • human-machine coexistence
    • fall detection, panic button and other alerts based on wearable kinetic sensors
    • improved response time to emergencies
    • automated keep-out zone detection and alarm signaling for operators
    • improved control of mass site evacuation

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