SAE Market place
Discover all services and assets of the Smart Anything Everywhere initiative and easily connect with other actors of the SAE ecosystem.
The SAE market place is enabled by the DIHIWARE, an integrated innovation & collaboration platform developed within the MIDIH project. It is hosted by Fondazione Politecnico di Milano and customized according to Smart4Europe2’s requirements. Click here to enter the marketplace.
Find here links to different Market Places and Technology Brokerage offered by SAE projects:
The SMART4ALL Marketplace & Matchmaking Service are now online with the aim to bond European stakeholders and facilitate transfer of knowledge and collaborations.
The 23 TETRAMAX Competence Centers form the backbone of a European network with competence in all fields of Customized Low-Energy Computing (CLEC) for Cyber-Physical Systems and the Internet of Things. Click here to visit the Tetramax network
DIATOMIC one-stop shop platform is an online marketplace for innovation in microelectronics & smart systems integration. The platform is fueled by DIATOMIC’s exclusive network of digital innovation hubs, acting as a showcase of their resources – both technological and business related. The platform connects a curated network of competence centers with a European pool of SMEs/midcaps and other innovation-relevant actors. The main target is to allow for an efficient allocation of resources, in an immediate response to market needs, with focus on health, agrifood, and manufacturing sectors. Click here to visit Diatomic one-stop-shop
A Technology Radar is being created to classify Smart Technologies, Smart Services, SAE Tools and SAE Platforms according to their level of market readiness.
It has been totally updated with a new emphasis on green and sustainable applications of technologies! This free resource has been developed with EC funding in the Smart4Europe project to help companies quickly see the technologies that could provide business opportunities over the next 10-20 years as we make a twin green and digital transition. The radar covers 200 technologies providing technology descriptions, an assessment of maturity to answer the question “should my company be looking at this now?” as well as an overview of the technical challenges, commercial barriers and green opportunities for each. On the right hand side the Applications Accordion provides examples of applications in Smart Agriculture, Home Automation, Wearables, Sustainable Manufacturing of Electronic Goods, Intelligent Energy and Low Carbon Technologies, Ocean Monitoring, Food and Beverage, Art, Entertainment, Music and Literature.

Click here to enlarge the interactive Technology Radar (explanations will open when clicking on the individual terms).
Learn more about the SAE Technology Radar in this presentation!
The Radar uses the following terms:
- “hold off for now” – to represent technologies that are getting lots of hype but are not yet proven and not worth investing in yet
- “assess” – a technology that is promising and worth exploring with the goal of understanding how it may have an impact
- “trial” – worth pursuing to understand weaknesses and strengths
- “adopt” – for a technology that industry should be adopting.
As part of this we are collecting information on new technologies and would like to gather input from the community on what are the interesting and up and coming technologies that should be considered on the radar. Here we would like to solicit input on the technologies already identified via the attached questionnaire with respect to maturity and potential interest to industry, but also other new and exciting technologies. Additionally, we are seeking ideas for non-traditional uses of smart technologies, e.g. self-tying shoes for the elderly, UAVs for shark alerting, etc.
If you have an unusual application that you are either working on, or think would be interesting for the future, we would very much like to hear from you!
When you are a newcomer to the SAE Initiative, find here all relevant information on our mission and how we are supporting you in your digitization ambitions!
Click here to receive further information
Be well prepared when applying for Open Calls of our aligned Innovation Actions:
Selling yourself: 4 tips to attract investment
You have developed great technology and founded a very promising company. You are currently looking for private investment to support your operations to become a game-changer and a new market leader. You are on your way to success… the sun is shining in a blue sky, you are in love with your project and it makes grow your wings… but sometimes the journey to attract private investors can be longer, more challenging and difficult than expected.
Here are 4 important tips to attract investment in making private investors falling as well in love with your company, to build a long-term relationship to support your growth and generate attractive value. Click here to learn more about the 4 tips given by S4E2 partner Blumorpho!
Fundraising Readiness Assessment Tool: “Looking for financial support for your innovative idea?”
Take this 5-minute survey and learn more about the most appropriate fundraising strategy for your company. Click here to open the Fundraising Readiness Assessment Tool!
Further trainings available online:
Many trainings are available. Find below a selection of technical trainings offered by SAE aligned Innovation Actions and their partners:
Additionally, the Smart4Europe2 consortium is delighted to present you its report on Training activities with all trainings. These trainings are additionally divided
Please click here to open the pdf!
All trainings offered by Innovation Actions were collected until December 2020 in a dedicated deliverable. Find here the collection of
This collection was done by S4E2 partner Polimi within the deliverable D 5.4. It is available here!
A final report on training activities was done in deliverable D 5.5 which is available here! It also contains information on future skills and training in Horizon and Digital Europe.
The European Commission has developed a document (.pdf) that explains how the EDIH will be implemented in the Digital Europe Programme as well as a series of answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ as pdf).
The information above were copied from
It is a new experience the Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) beneficiaries have been through with a quite large spectrum of Innovation Action (IA) projects variables and despite addressing all the same topic of the digital transition. In that sense, it has turned difficult to make a systematic comparison of individual experiences and draw conclusions and recommendations out of this. However, and due to certain conceptual and operational similarities across DIHs, lessons learnt could be exchanged that are presented in the deliverable D 2.3 Best Practice Guidelines.
Furthermore, panelists of the session ” Horizon Europe and Digital Europe: What strategies, tools and services do we need going forward?” shared their thoughts during the Final Event. This panel is part of the recording of the event and available here (as of 3hrs 25 min).
Our Partners are located all over Europe. Curious where they are exactly?
Then have a look at our interactive map with all DIHs involved in the Smart Anything Everywhere Initiative.
Open map
- AENEAS: Association for European Nano Electronics Activities
An Industrial Association in Europe providing networking opportunities, policy influence and supported access to funding. Focus areas are micro- and nanoelectronics in in applications where Europe is strong, high growth rates are expected or a changing landscape opens new opportunities (Link to AENEAS Homepage)
AENEAS is one of three private members of the ECSEL JU. Advanced Research and Technology for Embedded Intelligence and Systems – Industry Association
An Industry Association in Europe with multidisciplinary nature providing a network for the exchange of technology ideas, cross-domain-fertilisation and large innovation ideas. Focus areas are embedded and cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things and digital platforms (Link to ARTEMIS-IA Homepage).
ARTEMIS-IA is one of three private members of the ECSEL JU.
- CLEC: Customized low-energy computing
- Coordination and Support Action(CSA)
A funding scheme for projects (“type of action”) without own research or development actions. CSA can concentrate on e.g. road mapping, networking, dissemination and exploitation activities or standardisation. The CSA aligned to the SAE initiative is Smart 4 Europe2.
- CPS: Cyber-Physical System
CPS link the “real” world (physical) with the world of information processing (cyber). Defining the term at the level of a simple FAQ is a huge task, so we refer to the Website of the European Commission.
Design and realisation of innovative CPS products are regarded as key enabling technology for digitisation.
DIHs support the faster adoption of latest digital technologies notably by SMEs, start-ups and mid-caps. They act as a one-stop-shop, providing customers with access to digital technologies and competences, infrastructure and training to test digital innovations, financing advice, market intelligence and networking opportunities (Link to a catalogue of European DIHs).
- ECSEL / ECSEL-JU: Electronic Components and Systems for European Leadership – Joint Undertaking
ECSEL is an EU-driven, public-private partnership, empowering innovation in electronic components and systems. ESCEL is shaping digital innovation by funding research, development and innovation projects in key enabling technologies.
The private members of the partnership are AENEAS, ARTEMIS-IA and EPoSS (Link to ECSEL Homepage).
- EPoSS: European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration
A product and industry driven European Technology Platform, defining research and development and innovation needs as well as policy requirements related to Smart Systems Integration (Link to EPoSS Homepage).
All projects aligned to the SAE initiative have received funding from the European Union´s HORIZON 2020 research and innovation programme.
- I4MS: ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs
I4MS is an initiative of the European Commission that is seen as key activity to invest in the establishment of Digital Innovation Hubs to foster European leadership in manufacturing. The I4MS initiative is characterised by many parallels to the SAE initiative (Link to I4MS Homepage).
- Innovation Action (IA): A funding scheme for projects (“type of action”) primarily consisting of activities directly aiming at production plans and arrangements or designs for new, altered or improved products, processes or services. Solutions shall be demonstrated in an operational (or near to operational) environment (i.e. high technology readiness level is required!).
The SAE initiative uses this type of action for eight running projects.
- ICT: Information and Communication Technologies
All projects aligned to the SAE initiative have received funding from the European Union´s HORIZON 2020 research and innovation programme via different ICT-calls (for open and upcoming calls see the Work Programme Part: Information and Communication Technologies).
The IoT is the vision of a network that might connect sensors, actuators, electronic devices and other items in an “internet”-like style, where every individual “thing” is intended to be identified by a unique address. Application specific variations address e.g. an “Industrial Internet of Things” (IIoT), “Smart” home, farming, medicine and so on.
- OLAE: Organic Large Area Electronics
Electronics made from organic materials (e.g. polymers) that show advantageous properties, e.g. the manufacturability of large area electronic components like displays.
OLAE as a part of materials science is regarded as key enabling technology for smart applications that can be used “everywhere”.
- SAE: Smart Anything Everywhere
Frequently used in the phrase „SAE initiative“. Smart Anything Everywhere is an initiative of the European Commission that is seen as key activity to invest in the establishment of Digital Innovation Hubs to accelerate the broad digital transformation of the European industry.
- SME: Smart and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Actually, SME is defined as the group of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. This group represents 99% of all business in the EU. The definition of an SME is important for access to finance and EU support programmes:
Head count < 250, Turnover ≤ € 50 million or Balance sheet total ≤ € 43 million.
(Link to the SME definition of the European Commission)
- SSI: Smart Systems Integration
Smart Systems are self-sufficient intelligent technical systems (or subsystems) with advanced functionality, enabled by underlying micro- nano- and bio- systems and other components. SSI comprises all enabling technologies to develop, manufacture and integrate these systems.
The wording “Success story” is commonly used for successfully conducted Application Experiments, selected by the Innovation Action under which it was performed. Success Stories are also presented in on the I4MS and SAE brochure
Q: What is SmartAnythingEverywhere all about?
A: The overall goal of Smart Anything Everywhere (SAE) is to let SMEs, start-ups and mid-caps enhance their products and services through the inclusion of innovative digital technologies. Further information on Learn more
Q: What is a Digital Innovation Hub (DIH)
A: DIHs support the faster adoption of latest digital technologies notably by SMEs, start-ups and mid-caps. They act as a one-stop-shop, providing customers with access to digital technologies and competences, infrastructure and training to test digital innovations, financing advice, market intelligence and networking opportunities (Link to a catalogue of European DIHs).
Q: How will the EDIHs work?
A: European Digital Innovation Hubs will have both local and European functions. EU funding will be made available for hubs that are already (or will be) supported by their Member States (or regions), in order to increase the impact of public funding. The Digital Europe Programme will increase the capacities of the selected hubs to cover activities with a clear European added value, based on networking the hubs and promoting the transfer of expertise. Member States have an essential role in the selection process of the EDIHs; the initial network of EDIHs will be established from a list of hubs designated by the Member States. The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission has developed a practical handbook with good practices on investments in Digital Innovation Hubs. The handbook aims to support regional, national, and RIS3 (Regional Strategy for Research and Innovation for Smart Specialisation) Implementation policymakers.
Many European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) will be based on existing clusters, or include organisations that are part of an EEN consortia. The SME Strategy also commits to expand Digital Innovation Hubs in connection with Startup Europe and the EEN and provide a seamless service within local and regional ecosystems. Access the guidance document (.pdf) to establish these collaborations.
Following the adoption of the Digital Europe Programme work programme (.pdf), the first restricted call for EDIHs will be opened on November 17th, 2021, to enable selected EDIHs to start their operations towards September 2022.
The information above were copied from
Q: What is stated in the Digitising European Industry initiative (DEI)?
A: The Digitising European Industry initiative (DEI) was launched by European Commission in April 2016 and it’s a key element of the Digital Single Market Strategy, which aims at reinforcing the European Union’s competitiveness in digital technologies and ensuring that business of any size, in any sector and country can fully benefit of digital innovation.
DEI will support and link up national initiatives and boost investment through strategic partnerships and networks and consist of five main pillars:
- European platform of national initiatives on digitising industry.
- Strengthening leadership through partnerships & industrial platforms.
- Digital innovations for all: Digital Innovation Hubs.
- A regulatory framework fit for the digital age.
- Preparing Europeans for the digital future. (Information by courtesy of I4MS)
Q: Is there a maximum funding amout per DIH/ SME?
There is a maximum (cummulated) funding amount of € 100.000,– per DIH/ SMEwithin all SAE and I4MS Innovation Actions! This rule is applicable within the frame of all the H2020 SAE and I4MS projects offering FSTP since its start in 2015 until 2021. (all 3 periods of SAE).