
General SAE Presentation

Want to know more? Find here our general SAE presentation!

Open presentation (pdf)


Find further Success Stories printed in the SAE Brochure (edition 2018)


Who can apply under which conditions for the Open Calls? Find out here!


Have a closer look at the so-called “Cascade Funding” officially known as “Financial Support to Third Parties”.

Open presentation (pdf)

Please find here the presentations given during the co-located SAE workshop during EFECS 2020


The following issues are available:

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DigiFed DIH Networking Event (November 2020):


DigiFED Online Bootcamp:

Are you planning on applying for your chance to receive € 55k through the DigiFed open calls and missed the online bootcamps? Then download the slides and learn how to prepare your pitch for your application to DigiFed! Click here to download the presentation.


DigiFed Webinar Series 2

In view of DigiFed’s second Open Call that was launched on the 22nd September 2020, DigiFed is hosting a new series of webinars with updated information on how to participate.  In this series of four meetings you will be given information on the following DigiFed funding opportunities: “Application Experiments” and “Digital Challenges”. Find here all downloads as well as videos to prepare for the second Open Call!


EPoSS is proud to present the final version of the Electronic Components and Systems (ECS) Strategic Roadmap Agenda (SRA) Update 2020.

The ECS-SRA 2020 endorsed by the three Industry Associations Presidents & Chair: Jean-Marc Chery for AENEAS Association, Jean-Luc Di-Paola-Galloni for ARTEMIS Industry Association and Stefan Finkbeiner for EPoSS Association is now available for download.

The first ever joint Electronic Components & Systems (ECS) Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) was published in January 2018. Each year the three European industry associations AENEAS, ARTEMIS-IA and EPoSS, spanning the entire value chain, set out their vision for digital Europe, the key application areas, the R&D&I challenges and solutions.

Download pdf here